No 'Official' - But, Divine - Recognition (II)


Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Octave Day of the Assumption)

The Creator of all things … rested in my tabernacle, And He said: …take root in my elect (Ecclesiasticus 24.12,13). 

PIC - Our server taking a shot of our Tridentine altar (pre-1950 ‘reform’ Missal) - 19th Aug 2020, Thurs in the Octave of the Assumption - during the Exposition & Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament CAPTURED ALSO a ray of divine reality in the other phone providing FB VIDEO LIVESTREAM: the Eucharistic King displaying in brilliant gold the delight of the Lord (Ps. 26.4) in His traditional dwelling place amongst us. 

Serve the Lord with us! #BokasyonCarmelitano TERESIANO-PH |
